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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The request has not been previously published, it has not been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • The file is sent in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.

  • They have been added to the references web addresses where it has been possible.

  • The text has 1.5 pts line spacing; the font size is 12 points; used italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text in their proper place and not the end of everything.

  • The text complies with style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines / s, which can be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting to a section of the journal peer-reviewed, you have to make sure that the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review) have been followed.

Author Guidelines


Intructions for the authors.

Katharsis is an arbitrated journal, edited in printed and digital format indexed in DIALNET, EBSCO, Latindex.

Katharsis Journal is edited by the Faculty of Social Sciences (Psychology program) from Institución Universitaria de Envigado (University of Envigado), Colombia, since 2006 with biannual periodicity (published on June and December).

Katharsis is dedicated to Social Sciences and Humanities areas, two important knowledge areas according to OCDE classification. The latter allows for the possibility of publishing specific topics or interdisciplinary investigations, covering areas and subareas of knowledge of psychology, education sciences, politics sciences, anthropology, sociology and more social sciences, language and literature, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, and more human sciences. Thus, the public of this journal would be those interested in these topics.

The journal accepts original pieces in these areas with the condition of being the product of investigations or bibliographical revision, with a relevant impact in the development and improvement of university level education. In this aspect, the journal’s main objective is to contribute to a continuous improvement of the professional development of psychologists. For this reason, Katharsis journal considers itself as an academic resource to spread and debate extensively the progress and innovation in the disciplinary knowledge, derived from investigative processes in a regional, national and international level.

  1. 1.      TYPE OF ARTICLE

Currently, the journal emphasizes in publishing documents that accomplish the typology required by the Permanent Indexation Service of Colombian Scientific and Technological Journals, and specially the correspondent to Typologies 1 and 3:

Scientific and technological investigation article: document presenting, in a detailed way the original results of investigative processes.

Revision article:  Document resulting from a documented investigation in which published and non-published results are analysed, in order to inform about the progress and development tendencies. It presents a meticulous bibliographical review (at least 50 references).



For the preparation of manuscripts, the publishing rules of APA version 6 must be followed. The extension must not be over 6000 words. A maximum of 5 figures or boards is allowed.

To send the article you must log into the online platform   Open Journal System ( There you will sign in as an author taking a username and password and follow the indicated steps to upload your article. Immediately, the reception and the code assigned to the manuscript will be informed. For more information, please contact



3.1  Header

4.11 Title

The title must be as short as possible, with no interrogations, exclamations o affirmative character. Advice is to write a maximum of 15 words, and in the case of failing to do so, it is convenient to create a title and a subtitle, separated by a colon. The title must reflect the topic and anticipate the conclusion. Besides the title in Spanish, the title in English and Portuguese must be included. If the title requires any additional explanation in the form of a footnote, reference it with an asterisk immediately after the title.

Likewise, the footnote of the title must specify if the submitted article is the product of an investigation, indicating the name of the project, institution and the registered code (if it has one); if it’s the product of a thesis, the academic title chosen and the data of the institution that approved it must be referenced.


4.1.2 Information about the authors

This section includes the academic record of the authors; the last degree they obtained and the university that granted it. Their institutional affiliation: entity they work for, city, country and email address.


4.1.3 Abstract and key words

After the title and the name of the authors an analytical summary must be made, followed by key words. The abstract must be written without indentation, in third person and in present tense; it must be presented with the following structure: objective, methods, results, discussion and conclusions; it must be written in Spanish, English  and Portuguese. It must be 200 to 250 words long.

The key words must be 4 to 6, and they should relate to the main topics and concepts of the article, according to a specialized thesaurus. The title, the abstract and the key words must be translated to English and Portuguese.

Using key words that are accepted by international data bases is advised. They can be found in the following links:


3.2  Article body

If the article consists of scientific investigations it must contain, besides the aforementioned parts, the following: introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and, depending on the case, recommendations. Case studies must include in methodological aspects. These sections apply for topic reviews.


3.2.1        Introduction

Contains the development and background of the problem. It is brief and must provide one necessary explanation so the reader can understand the following text. It should not include tables or figures, unless they are essential for the comprehension of the text. The last paragraph should exhibit the objective (s) of the study in a clear way.

3.2.2        Methods

This section will thoroughly describe the selection of the population, including their sex, age and other important characteristics. How the data was collected must be specified. The type of study and analysis employed (descriptive, epidemiologic, experimental, clinical trial, etc.), and the system used for the assignment of subjects should be reference here. Identify the methods, tools for evaluation, treatments, farmaceuticals or chemical products, specifying their generic name, dose and administration route.  Mention the statistical package used.

When experimental studies are carried out on animals or humans, it is necessary to clarify that ethical guidelines of investigation have been followed, and that international arrangements concerning experiments on animals or humans have been met (Helsinki Declaration, available at: It becomes necessary to stating that the investigation was approved by the ethical committee of the institution where the investigation was executed and to indicate that if written informed consent was obtained for people that participated in the investigation.

3.2.3        Results

Results must be presented in a logical sequence, supported on boards and figures expressing clearly the research results. Do not repeat in the text all of the data presented on boards and figures, but only the most important ones.

3.2.4        Discussion and conclusions.

Emphasize on the new and important aspects of the research and the conclusions this brings. No dot repeat in detail the results presented in the past section or introduction. Relate what you obtained with other relevant researches about the topic. Point out the implications of your findings as well as their limitations. Relate the conclusions with the objectives. Do not suppose when not supported on data. When appropriate, you may include advises or recommendations.


3.3  Gratitude.

When considered necessary, cite people, centres or entities, which have collaborated or supported the realization of the piece.

3.4  Bibliographical references.

This must be done at the end of the article under the title References; these include only the sources that support the investigation and that were used for the preparation of the piece and were cited in the body of the text, not like the bibliography, which includes the sources that can be used to deepen the topic.
According with APA rules, the following aspects must be considered to elaborate references: full names, alphabetic order by the reference’s first character; same author’s references must be organized chronologically with double line spacing. If there are several pieces from the same author and same year, they will be differentiated by adding an alphabetic character to the year.

Reference citations in the text: these will be done in the body of the text, following the APA rules: last name, year and page.

Examples for citations by author:

1) Rivera (1994) compared the writing times…
2) On a recent research about writing times (Rivera, 1994)…
3) In 1994, Rivera compared writing times…

Book reference

Author, A.A. (publishing year). Title. (Edition- if there is any). Location: Editorial.

Example given:

López, D. (2006). Judges law. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes; Legis.

Book Chapter:

Author, A.A. & Author, B.B. (publishing year). Chapter title. A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Book title (chapter pages). Location: Editor


Létourneau. J. (2009). How to be documented in the electronic era. Initiation guide for intellectual work. The young investigator’s toolbox (pages 35-76). Medellín: La carreta editores.


Avendaño M., L. F. (2009). Correlation and differences between  criminal law and disciplinary law in the light of the non bis in idem principle. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia.

References, Judgements and Normative:

Colombia (2002). Only Disciplinary Code, Law 743.

Colombia. Constitutional Court (1993) Judgement C-417, 1993.  Rapporteur Magistrate: José Gregorio Hernández Galindo.

Colombia. Constitutional Court (1994) Judgement T-254, 1994. Rapporteur Magistrate: Eduardo Cifuentes Muñoz.

Colombia. Constitutional Court (1995) Judgement T- 007, 1995. Rapporteur Magistrate: Antonio Barrera Carbonell.

Journal Citation:

Dworkin, R. (2007) Should our judges be philosophers? , Can they be? (Trd, García, L.). Law studies, Number 144, year LXIV, pages 16-36, U. de A., Medellín.

Available in

Internet citation:


Alfonso, S. (2008). Neocontitutionalism. Annals of the academy of moral sciences and politics, pages 1-26.




    Boards and figures must be explicitly aforementioned in the article text and been added always right after the paragraph in which it is aforementioned for the first time; do not put all of them at the end of the section or article, nor break a paragraph in order to insert them. The figures must have optimal resolution and the boards must be editable, not as an image.
    Numeration is only and in sequence, no matter the section. Using: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., Board 1, Board 2, etc. The second time a board or figure is aforementioned; it must have been previously added.
    Every figure and board will be preceded by a space, they must go centred, titled in the lower part, followed by a space. When the figures or boards are copied from another resource, this must be aforementioned in the text and the lower right part of the board. If all of them are your own boards but the data is taken from somewhere else, in the mentions you replace “taken from:” with “Source:”

In the figures, the variables must be written in each axis (Do NOT use acronyms) and its units; E.G: Temperature (°C). When there are several graphics, you must tell the associated parameter to each one of them. On the boards, proceed in the same way for column and row, when it is the case.




     Receiving the article does not mean it has been approved. The received pieced are submitted to an editorial process, which is developed in several stages. First, the articles go through a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee members, they will determinate the relevance of your publication. Once it is determined that the article fulfils the formal and thematic requirements requested by the journal, it will be sent to two academic pairs, internal and external to the Institución Universitaria de Envigado. In case of getting a positive review, the editorial process will be started in order of arrival. Material sent to the journal and not published will not be returned to the authors.

    The Editorial Committee names the pairs and their evaluation is attached to the format sent for that purpose. Authors may suggest possible evaluators, however, the Committee makes the final call about the judges. The evaluation process is double blind so we avoid any kind of conflict of interest. Disagreement cases in the evaluation will be unappealeable in any case.

    The evaluation pair will take the following aspects into account:


Coherence in the title, objectives, hypothesis, method, results and discussion in the submitted study.

Relevance of the methodological process of the base study of the article.

Correct presentation of results (qualitative and quantitative) following the APA rules.

Redacting quality.

Currency and relevancy of the bibliography.

Follow-up of citation rules.

Originality of the study and importance of the contributions to the respective field of knowledge.

The result of the evaluation may be: 1) Publishing without changes; 2) Publishing with minor corrections; 3) Publishing after a meticulous review and 4) Rejecting the article.

In case that any adjustments are required, the corrected version will be sent to the journal in less than 15 days.

One the piece has been accepted by the pairs for it publishing, the edition process is started, including style revision, redaction and formal aspects.

During the editing process, the editor keeps communication with the author in order to request required adjustments and notify about the editorial process.

Once the piece is published, the involved authors are notified.


Katharsis journal allows the copying of articles and texts for academic or inner purpose of the institution naming the source. For total or partial reproduction of the journal with different purposes, you must count on the explicit authorization by Institución Universitaria de Envigado.
Opinions expressed by the authors do not compromise Institución Universitaria de Envigado.


Committee On Publishing Ethics (COPE) (2006). Guidelines on good practices for publications. [Online]. Avilable on

ICMJE (2015). Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. [Online] Available on


Artículos de investigación

En esta sección se publicará todos aquellos artículos productos de investigación que han sido enviados a la revista para el particpar del proceso de arbitraje.


Artículos producto de la reflexión académica y científica.


Revisión científica y técnicas de temas de interés en el campo de las ciencias sociales.


Traducciones de textos clásicos o de actualidad o transcripciones de documentos históricos o de interés particular en el dominio de publicación de la revista.

Artículo corto

Documento breve que presenta resultados originales preliminares o parciales de una investigación científica o tecnológica, que por lo general requieren de una pronta difusión.

Reporte de caso

Documento que presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre una situación particular con el fin de dar a conocer las experiencias técnicas y metodológicas consideradas en un caso específico. Incluye una revisión sistemática comentada de la literatura sobre casos análogos.

Revisión de tema

Documento resultado de la revisión crítica de la literatura sobre un tema en particular.


Espacio para el fomento de la lectura en temas de interés relacionados con las ciencias sociales.


Artículos no clasificados en los demás items

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.