Reasons of equity of privilege parents as beneficiaries in the survivor's pension in circumstances of economic dependence and manifest weakness due to the affectation of the minimum vital in Colombia




Beneficiaries, Economic dependency, Equity, Living minimum, Survivors’ pension, Social security


In Colombia, the current exclusive order of surviving pension beneficiaries is based on kinship (consanguinity, affinity and civil relationship) regardless of subjective criteria such as old age, disability and poverty. In contrast to the social reality of the country, this normative provision would seriously harm the constitutional right to the vital minimum of parents who were economically dependent on their deceased child, since upon his death his contributions cease, therefore, a situation of manifest weakness regarding their subsistence and the impossibility of attending with the children, spouse and/or permanent partner of the deceased categorized as preferential beneficiaries in ownership of the survivors' pension. Accordingly, this article aims to formulate a regulatory initiative that grants preference or legal concurrence for the benefit of the parents, with respect to the spouse, permanent partner or children of the deceased regarding the survivor's pension, in application of the principle of equity, the right to human dignity, the vital minimum, a possibility conceived within the special norms of social security of the military forces, in our Internal Regime.

Author Biographies

Lina Morales Quintero, Lina Morales Quintero

Abogada, Especialista en Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social de la Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Maria Antonia Laverde Zuluaga, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Lawyer, Specialist in Labor Law and Social Security, Institución Universitaria de Envigado.

Paola Garcia Aguirre, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Lawyer, Specialist in Labor Law and Social Security, Institución Universitaria de Envigado.


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How to Cite

Morales Quintero, L. M., Laverde Zuluaga, M. A., & García Aguirre, A. P. (2024). Reasons of equity of privilege parents as beneficiaries in the survivor’s pension in circumstances of economic dependence and manifest weakness due to the affectation of the minimum vital in Colombia. Nuevo Derecho, 20(34), 1–12.


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