Origins of presidentialism in Colombia: the construction of a new order


  • Alfredo José Perez Caballero Universidad Libre - Cartagena
  • Ximena Espinosa Torres Universidad Unicolombo



presidentialism, political system, Constituent Assembly, Exception status, Site status


Colombian political thought during the 19th century was characterized by interpretative and ideological schemes from Europe and North America with the
It was intended to generate the construction of a developed and modern nation-state.
The system of government chosen by the legal elite of the time was presidentialism, taking the model of the United States, which has been the system of government in force in the country since that time. Presidentialism in Colombia has not been a static system and, on the contrary, changes and modifications in it can be traced throughout two hundred years of republican life. This article reflects on the origins of presidentialism in Colombia, from the historical and constitutional scope of the figure. The understanding of presidentialism since the constitution of 1886 and the
The way in which it is legally and politically configured in the 1991 constitution, also on the exercise of the powers of the president of the republic and their relationship
with the legislature. The historical and constitutional context of this figure is then analyzed in terms of the powers of the president and the way in which the system of checks and balances is developed for the Colombian case from the interaction of the different institutions of the executive, legislative, and judicial order. .


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How to Cite

Perez Caballero, A. J., & Espinosa Torres, X. (2020). Origins of presidentialism in Colombia: the construction of a new order. Nuevo Derecho, 16(26), 1–13.


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2020-07-27 — Updated on 2020-07-27




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