Reflections on the Salvadoran Rule of Law: Social Rights and Democracy at Serious Risk?


  • Karla Georgina Martínez Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas



Constitución, Democracia, Estado de Derecho, Derechos Sociales, El Salvador, Frenos y contrapesos, Pandemia


In the last presidential elections in El Salvador, there was a clear intention on the part of Salvadorans to give international opinion two messages: first, that bipartisanship had finally been broken, that the political parties that had historically governed the country in the last thirty years and that marked the rivalry between the conservative extreme right and the revolutionary extreme left, they had concluded their turn in command of the Executive body; and secondly, that their exhaustion, disappointment, and lack of hope in one or another ideology had led them to elect a president who describes himself, without ideology, but with whom they feel identified, as he has shown through his speeches, and his active participation in social networks, he promises to be a leader who will put an end to the great social, economic and political problems of El Salvador. In this text we will expose one of the most relevant events that occurred during his first months in office, in which democracy and the State system of the Republic of El Salvador have been at serious risk, analyzing the urgent need for protection and the guarantees of protection of social rights protected by the Constitution of El Salvador.  In the same way, we propose a review of certain fundamental concepts that underpin the construction of the Rule of Law.


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How to Cite

Martínez, K. G. (2020). Reflections on the Salvadoran Rule of Law: Social Rights and Democracy at Serious Risk?. Nuevo Derecho, 16(27).


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2020-11-30 — Updated on 2020-11-30



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