Normogram of the burden of preef rule in the Colombian judicial process: Constitutionalization of the burden of proof




Nomogram, Constitutionalization, Test load, Static test load, Test load inversion, dynamic test load


This research paper presents, first, theoretical evolution of the burden of proof rule. Secondly, a brief analysis is made of the scope of the burden of proof, with reference to the trend of the Council of State, in which there is evidence of a regression or variation around problems related to the responsibility of the State for medical failure. Finally, the methodology was taken into account in the elaboration of the normograma as a peda-gogical tool, beyond its eminently technical nature. This tool is offered as a guide for teachers, students and litigators interested in the constitutionalization of the dynamic burden of proof and its implications for the guarantee of rights such as due process, equality and the effective administration of justice. For the development of this tool is used the method of data analysis and documentary sources such as judgments of the Council of State and the Constitutional Court, and conceptual elaborations of authors such as Joan Picó i Junoy, Xavier Abel Lluch and Manuel Serra Domínguez, which esta-blish aspects relevant to the burden of proof. From this perspective, it is evident that what was initially called the static burden of proof was gradually moving towards a more guarantor concept for the affected, provided that the judge uses the distribution of the dynamic burden of proof and seeks the effectiveness of principles such as solidarity, loyalty, procedural good faith and equality of the parties, so that the proof is provided by those who are in the best position to associate it with the process. From a methodo-logical point of view, the normogram instrument provides relevant information that helps to foster analysis and search capacity on the subject of the constitutionalization of the dynamic burden of proof.

Author Biographies

Maria Victoria Santana Londoño, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

  • PhD in Philosophy from UPB, Medellín.
  • Master in Philosophy from UPB, Medellín.
  • Master in Law from the Universidad de Antioquia.
  • Specialist in Social Security Law, Universidad de Antioquia.
  • Specialist in Administrative Law, Universidad de Santo Tomás.
  • Specialist in Teaching by Competencies, CIESI (Centro Internacional de Estudios Interdisciplinarios
  • Full-time professor at the la Institución Universitaria de Envigado (IUE).
  • Coordinator of the graduate programs of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the IUE.

Jose Angel Giraldo Ríos, Universidad Santo Tomás

  • Lawyer and specialist in Administrative Law, Universidad Santo Tomás, Medellin..
  • Director of the Aguadas, Caldas Penitentiary and Corrections Director,

Delio David Arango Navarro, Corporación Universitaria Remington

  • Master in Philosophy, specialist in Philosophy from the upb, Medellín.
  • Full-time professor of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences and the Department of Education and Humanities of the Corporación Universitaria Remington


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How to Cite

Santana Londoño, M. V., Giraldo Ríos, J. A., & Arango Navarro, D. D. (2021). Normogram of the burden of preef rule in the Colombian judicial process: Constitutionalization of the burden of proof. Nuevo Derecho, 17(28), 1–12.


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