State intervention and the social rule of law: analysis of the Colombian case




Social and democratic rule of law, intervention, branches of public power, fundamental rights, constitutional state


The purpose of this article is to review the construction of the concept of the social and democratic rule of law in Colombia; a concept on which it is necessary to elaborate an analysis that understands it as a legal category and as a political category of constitutionalism, which is why it will start from the state intervention that occurs in favor of the guarantees of fundamental rights, since this turns out to be an essential element within this state model. Similarly, special emphasis will be placed on the Colombian legal case, since within this, the concept of social and democratic State brought with it a phenomenon of constitutionalization of the legal system in the functioning of each of the branches of public power, which consolidate their functions by generating social protection as an effective consequence of the mandate of the Political Constitution. Thus, the judicial branch - headed by the Constitutional Court as guardian of the Charter - creates the conditions of interpretation that translate into the concretization of the superior norm; the executive branch understands that it must intervene to guarantee fundamental rights; and the legislator - the maximum manifestation of constitutional democracy - must motivate its freedom of normative configuration in accordance with the Constitution.

Author Biographies

Gustavo Aguilera Izaguirre, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

  • Dr. in Law from the Universidad de Salamanca.
  • Research Professor at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Toluca).
  • Researcher of the Sistema Nacional de Investigación SN1. gaguilera@uamex.

Andres Felipe Roncancio Bedoya, Institucion Universitaria de Envigado

  • Professor of Constitutional Law. Full Time Professor

Mariana Restrepo Marulanda, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

  • Law student at the Institución Universitaria de Envigado.
  • Research assistant at Institución Universitaria de Envigado.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Izaguirre, G., Roncancio Bedoya, A. F., & Restrepo Marulanda, M. . (2021). State intervention and the social rule of law: analysis of the Colombian case . Nuevo Derecho, 17(28), 1–14.


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