The evolution of security: think about it based on the concept of human security




Security, Security Strategies, Human Security, University Education


We evolve in the conception of security, we warn that another way of facing it is necessary, but we do not have an adequate academic framework to help us take on the challenges that such evolution represents. The scarcity of doctrinal elaboration on security matters leads us to propose the creation of a university academic training
dedicated to this field, with a teaching program focused on its integral conception and on all the factors that contribute to consolidate or violate it. Training with the capacity to instruct workers at the most qualified levels of security and generate an environment for debate and scientific research that provides definitions and answers based on agreed theoretical frameworks. We consider it necessary for the university to devote attention and resources to a field traditionally excluded from its object of study and to which it has only been approached tangentially through the areas of knowledge that have
some thematic relationship with it. The purpose of this work is to analyze the security challenges that Colombia faces, to determine how university education can contribute to the configuration and assumption of a conception of security appropriate to the reality and needs of the country.

Author Biography

Ingrid Sanchez Diez, Tecnológico de Antioquia

  • Law Degree from the Universidad de Deusto.
  • Specialist in Security Law.
  • Doctor in Law from the la Universidad de Salamanca.
  • Occasional full-time lecturer at the to Tecnológico de Antioquia, Institución Universitaria.


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How to Cite

Sanchez Diez, I. (2021). The evolution of security: think about it based on the concept of human security. Nuevo Derecho, 17(29), 1–12.


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