Property rights and the resource curse in vulnerable communities in Colombia




Curse of resources, Human Rights, Armed violence, Multinationals, State Interest


The purpose of the article is to understand the phenomenon of the resource curse based on Leif Wenar’s theory and the violation of human rights that it brings to vulnerable communities in Colombia. In this context, vulnerable communities are those that, due to their natural resources, are in beneficial territories for armed groups, where multinational companies have had interference and suffer because of state interests. In addition, prior consultation is analyzed as a possible political solution to the curse of the resources that communities live.

Author Biography

Maria Camila Franco Vera, Universidad de Medellín

  • Political Science student at the Universidad de Medellín.
  • Research assistant for the project "Cauca Local Economic Development (CLED) Project: A Triple Helix+Approach towards Inclusive and Conflict Sensitive font-family: sans-serif; transform: scale Development in Cauca. Linking State Institutions, Entrepreneurs, and local Knowledge Eco-System" of the research group "Conflict and Peace" of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidad de Medellín.


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How to Cite

Franco Vera, M. C. (2021). Property rights and the resource curse in vulnerable communities in Colombia. Nuevo Derecho, 17(29), 1–11.


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