Rights and duties in Artificial Intelligence: two unfinished debates regarding its regulation





Artificial Intelligence, Right, Robotics, Technology, Responsibility


As a result of social dynamism, climate changes, wars, social insufficiencies and advances in technology, humanity is constantly advancing, this in order to meet needs in different scenarios of life, such as: comfort, the workplace, the student environment, entertainment and others; that is why human beings always tend to improve their lives, as well as have been advancing in the creation of artificial systems through Artificial Intelligence, such as robots, automatons and at some point androids, which aim to help in the realization of daily activities ranging from simple tasks to tasks of high complexity.

From the above, any change brings with it collateral effects, these sometimes produce conflicts and unrest, which for the case in question arise from the relationship man –machine (artificial intelligence); Which is why societies have foreseen the implications that come with it, the fact of not regulating the use of technology in a good way and for the human good. The negative consequences that scientific advances can have generate a number of predicaments that good customs alone cannot limit.

Colombia does not escape such a dynamic, despite this it is lacking in many technologies that are already used in much of the world. This establishment of responsibilities brings with it different edges, because if there is responsibility the counterweight of the premise would be the rights; all these issues are approached from an analytical perspective, since the subject in question is totally new.


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How to Cite

Galvis Martínez, J. C., & Esquivel Zambrano, L. M. (2022). Rights and duties in Artificial Intelligence: two unfinished debates regarding its regulation. Nuevo Derecho, 18(31), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.25057/2500672X.1479


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