Does the defense of rights justify the politicization of justice?




politicization, judicialization, legislative power, Supremo Tribunal Federal, constitutional adjudication


This paper questions the reasonableness of judicial activism in the defense of fundamental rights, whether it can be used to justify the politicization of judicial activity in Brazil, and whether to some extent it is beneficial and does not violate fundamental freedoms and guarantees. The hypothetico-deductive method and research in books, scientific articles, legislation and jurisprudence are used to analyze the bilateral process of judicialization of politics and politicization of justice, with emphasis on the second aspect, which has shifted the axis of force between the powers of the State, as it is directly linked to the process of valorization of constitutional adjudication and valorization of the supreme courts in the political scenario. The importance of the constituent power and its interference among the powers of the State is evaluated. It seeks to establish the limits of the politicization of justice, analyzing two specific cases in rulings of the Federal Supreme Court on issues related to women's rights concerning abortion and those of the elderly concerning reinstatement, in which the court took different directions in terms of the exercise of legislative activity. From the research it can be concluded that the current constitutional model and judicial activism stimulate the legislative activity of the Judiciary, as a rule, guided by the political bias of the actors involved, which compromises the foundations of democracy and gives rise to despotic practices on the part of the courts.

Author Biography

Helimara Moreira Lamounier Heringer, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto

Doctoral Student and Master in Collective Law and Citizenship, at the University of Ribeirão Preto -UNAERP. CAPES Scholarship

Professor of Law at the State University of Minas Gerais – UEMG




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How to Cite

Moreira Lamounier Heringer, H. (2023). Does the defense of rights justify the politicization of justice?. Nuevo Derecho, 19(32), 1–21.


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