The right to the city: an analysis of the concept in light of its necessity within the framework of Colombian constitutional law




right to the city, abortion, land use plan, democratic participation, material justice


This article addresses the concept of the right to the city from the perspective of the French theorist Henri Lefebvre, taking as a reference his conception until reaching the different conceptual delimitations it has acquired in its theoretical and historical development. Subsequently, the relationship of this right to the city with the Colombian legal system is analyzed. It is provided a conceptual and legal analysis of the right to the city, understood as the materialization of the will of the community in its direct interaction in the construction of public policies according to its needs, the Colombian normative case is analyzed and contrasted with the material reality that reveals the factual tensions that inhibit its pragmatic effectiveness. Through a legal and doctrinal documentary review that leads inevitably to a statistical consideration, it is concluded that there is a deficient consideration of the right to the city as a possibility to enliven the participation of the communities in the decisions that affect them and modify their spatial conditions of life; thus, it is found that the importance of their participation in the political and social dynamics of the city decreases.

Author Biographies

Jhon Fredy Arango Ramírez, Institución Universitaria de Envigado


Correo electrónico:

Juan José Taborda Álvarez, Estudiante Institución Universitaria de Envigado


Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Arango Ramírez, J. F., & Taborda Álvarez, J. J. (2023). The right to the city: an analysis of the concept in light of its necessity within the framework of Colombian constitutional law. Nuevo Derecho, 19(33), 1–15.


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