Systemic perception of public safety as a human right in undergraduate students. The case of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UAEMex




Security as a human right, Habitat, Home/Housing, Faculty/University, Insecurity, Pessimistic resignation


The results of a survey on public insecurity applied to students of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico are shown. From a theoretical framework from the Systems Theory, the influence of the political and legal systems in the perception that the student community shows about public safety, recognized in Mexico as a fundamental right, enforceable since the implementation of the International Human Rights System, and as a State policy in the National Development Plan 2019-2024, is qualitatively analyzed. This analysis is constrained to the attestations of feelings and perceptions of insecurity in the neighborhood, faculty, and commuting environments. These environments are constructed as the habitats Home/Neighborhood and Faculty/University, which constitute the points of origin and destination of daily journeys of the students/respondents and whose relevance stands out insofar as they are spaces of socialization for the formation of the personalities of student youth. It is deduced that students live perceiving and feeling a collective environment of permanent tension characterized by fear, uncertainty, distrust and fear, key components to forge disenchantment or discouragement of the illusion of a better future and forging personalities of pessimistic resignation towards the future. It is concluded, therefore, that there is an impact on the physical and mental health of students that is affecting cognitive and social skills that, although not empirically manifested in behaviors, represents a backdrop causing social stress and a collective sense of danger and insecurity.

Author Biographies

Itzel Arriaga Hurtado, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Post Doctorado. Universidad de Luxemburgo

Doctora en Derecho. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Maestría en Derecho Civil. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Licenciatura en Derecho. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Felipe González Ortíz, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Profesor investigador. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México 


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How to Cite

Arriaga Hurtado, I., & González Ortíz, F. (2023). Systemic perception of public safety as a human right in undergraduate students. The case of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UAEMex. Nuevo Derecho, 19(33), 1–20.


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