The investigation of crime in Mexico: a view from the role of the police




Investigation, Crime, Police, Justice


The present work studies the role of the investigative police in Mexico, also known as ministerial or prosecutorial police, in the reconstruction of the alleged crime. It analyzes their work in terms of the precise finding of evidence, tools, identification of witnesses, etc., as indicated by the prosecutor, tending to link the accused with the conduct that appears to be punishable. In particular, special attention is paid to the police task of building and safeguarding the investigation file at the beginning of the criminal proceeding. It is concluded that the investigative police must have technical knowledge that allows them to serve as first responders in the criminal investigation.


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How to Cite

Santacruz Lima, R. (2024). The investigation of crime in Mexico: a view from the role of the police. Nuevo Derecho, 20(34), 1–11.


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