For reviewers

The articles must be sent through the OJS platform. The receipt of the article in the journal does not signify its approval.

All the articles received are submitted to an editorial process that takes place in several phases. The articles that have been received will be reviewed by the journal editor who will estimate the relevance of the text in accordance with the focus and scope established by the publication, in turn verifying its originality through the iThenticate software and finally making a review regarding formal shipping requirements. The result of the software for the analysis of similarity of texts and plagiarism will be communicated to the author (s) with their respective diagnosis before defining any behavior of malpractice in order to request the author's comments regarding the case, accordingly. , the decision to continue the article in the editorial process rests with the editor of the journal.

On the other hand, once it has been established that the article meets the thematic and formal requirements demanded by the journal, it will be sent to two academic peers, which will be made under the "double blind" review system in order to avoid all type of conflict of interest and must be done from the OJS platform. For the review process of each edition, the Nuevo Derecho journal will invite external peers from the institution to be part of the review and evaluation of the articles.

The academic peers will have 30 days to issue the evaluation, time that may be extended by express request of the evaluator. In the event that there is rejection by one of the evaluating peers and an acceptance by another of the evaluating peers, a third evaluation will be requested under the same modality of the "double blind" system.

Communications with peer reviewers and authors will be made from the OJS platform.

The peer reviewers must make their opinion by filling out the formats established by the Nuevo Derecho journal for this purpose. The authors can suggest possible reviewers, however, the final decision on the referees will be made by the Journal Editor. The peer reviewers will consider the following aspects of the submitted articles:


• Consistency in the title, objectives, hypothesis, method, results and discussion in the study presented.

• Relevance of the theoretical foundation.

• Quality of writing.

• Actuality and relevance of the bibliography.

• Follow-up of citation standards (APA).

• Originality of the study and importance of contributions to the respective field of knowledge.The result of the evaluation can be: 1) Publish without changes; 2) Publish with modifications and 3) Reject.

In the event that the evaluating peer issues "Publish with modifications" as a result, it must attach with the evaluation form, a copy of the evaluated text with the comments where the aspects to be modified are clearly exposed.

In case adjustments to the article are required, the corrected version must be returned by the author to the journal in no more than 15 days.Once the writing is accepted by peers for publication, the editing process begins, including review of style, writing and other formal aspects. Throughout the process, the editor maintains communication with the submitting author in order to request required adjustments and advise on the editorial process.

Once the respective number is published, the communication is issued to all participating authors.