School and migration: experiences of Venezuelan children in Colombia




migration, school, migratory grief, secondary socialization, Venezuela


In recent years, Venezuela's social, economic and political transformations have affected the domestic dynamics of the region and have extrapolated beyond the continent, with migration being one of its most important historical and conjunctural effects. The exodus of Venezuelans to Colombia has modified not only the social dynamics of the host country, but also the interactions in educational institutions, following the incursion of migrant children. This research sought to analyze the experience of Venezuelan children in classrooms in the city of Medellin. The horizon of the research is qualitative framed in the case study method that provides dense descriptions with the purpose of interpreting and theorizing about the situation that is the object of study. The semi-structured interview and the situation mural were used to collect information. The findings show the challenges faced by the participants in the new country. In the first place, the xenophobia that they experience from their peers, who replicate the stereotypes of adults, exposing Venezuelan children to bullying. Secondly, the difficulties in adapting to the Colombian curriculum and finally, the types of migratory mourning that must be elaborated, mainly the mourning of family and friends, language, land and culture. The role of the school as a facilitator of the inclusion process of foreign students is discussed. 

Author Biographies

Katy Luz Millan Otero, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Magister en estudios socioespaciales.

Nicolasa María Duran Palacio, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Doctora en filosofía.

Laura Andrea Rodríguez Marin, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Estudiante de Psicología.

Andrea García Hincapié, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Estudiante de Psicología.


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How to Cite

Millan Otero, K. L., Duran Palacio, N. M., Rodríguez Marin, L. A., & García Hincapié, A. (2021). School and migration: experiences of Venezuelan children in Colombia . Psicoespacios, 15(26), 1–15.


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