Legal-psychological research methodology




Abduction, evidence paradigm, semiotics, guilt, responsibility, act, subject


The abduction, also called in this paper evidence paradigm is a way to proceed that moves from effect to cause or from experience to thought. As methodological alternative, between induction and deduction, is an exhibition about the ways of thinking proposed in the logic and semiotics work by Charles Sanders Peirce. Both the abduction as the evidence paradigm are related to the method used by Freud (called Psychoanalysis) and Voltaire procedures, which are an invaluable tool for the interpretation to capture the truth in a process of psychological and legal research. The logic of the evidence is associated with the Latin voice, investigare, which means, trace, to be on the track. The events preceding the evidence paradigm have been raised to the level of hunting knowledge of the early hunters, explorers, the oracles and the jurisprudence of Mesopotamians (4000 BC), the Philology (Linguistics) and the Medical Semiotics, the pictorial art of the seventeenth century, like the handwriting, going through philosophers such as Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu, among others, arriving at Morelli. In this perspective, we might say that psychoanalysis is a discipline with much more daring that Behaviorism, because it does not want to know about this other side of the issue, which for him is not scientific, the scientific for behaviorism is to keep only what is directly observable. The psychoanalyst, however, believes that science will be the sustainability of what is said about the unconscious. Finally, the word is the common factor to the device created by Freud and the one used by Law, especially in the new accusatory penal system.

Author Biography

Elkin Emilio Villegas Mesa, Institución Universitaria de Envigado, Colombia

Psicólogo-Psicoanalista, Docente Programa de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Institución Universitaria de Envigado, Colombia


Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Villegas Mesa, E. E. (2009). Legal-psychological research methodology. Psicoespacios, 3(3), 2–20.


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