Implicit theories of the some professors in some faculties of UCC, Medellin




teaching practice, learning approaches, implicit conceptions



The article presents partial results of the investigation with quantitative approach and descriptive level, aimed to explore the characteristics of teaching practices of the University teachers in various faculties of the Coperative University of Colombia, sectional Medellín. One of the objectives of the research was directed to identify implicit theories that underlie the teaching practices of the university teachers. For the collection of information will design a questionnaire of dilemmas related to the following categories: concept of learning, the objectives and content of signatures, use of teaching strategies for the appropriation of content, management of bibliographic sources and evaluation. The results showed predominance of constructivist theory in the concept of learning, predominance of the interpretative theory in relation to the aspects of objectives and content of signatures and use strategies for the appropriation of content, and predominance of direct theory in bibliographic sources and evaluation.

Author Biography

Olena Klimenko, Institución Universitaria de Envigado. Colombia

Psicóloga, Universidad Lomonosov, Moscú, Rusia

Magister en Ciencias Psicológicas, Universidad Lomonosov, Moscú, Rusia

Magister en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia

Doctora en psicología educativa, Atlantic International University, USA

Doctoranda en Psicopedagogía, Universidad Católica de Argentina, Buenos Aires

Docente tiempo completo, Institución Universitaria de Envigado. Colombia


Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Klimenko, O. (2012). Implicit theories of the some professors in some faculties of UCC, Medellin. Psicoespacios, 6(8), 29–66.


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