Study about the learning approaches in the students of Commerciality Liceo of Envigado




Academic performance, approaches to learning, school failure, repetition, learning strategies


The article presents results of research called "School failure on the Institution commercial Lyceum of Envigado", carried out to qualify the title of psychologist and oriented to explore approaches to learning that employ the ninth grade students of that institution, who are at high risk of school failure. The data obtained in the sample of 38 students who were at risk of school failure showed that the approach used by students is superficial, represented by a low motivation towards the study of extrinsic type, and a low level of use of cognitive strategies and metacognitive learning

Author Biographies

Olena Klimenko, Institución Universitaria de Envigado. Colombia

Psicóloga, Universidad Lomonosov, Moscú, Rusia

Magister en Ciencias Psicológicas, Universidad Lomonosov, Moscú, Rusia

Magister en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia

Doctora en psicología educativa, Atlantic International University, USA

Doctoranda en Psicopedagogía, Universidad Católica de Argentina, Buenos Aires

Docente tiempo completo, Institución Universitaria de Envigado. Colombia


Correo electrónico:

Laura Uribe Patiño, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Estudiante de Psicologia, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Klimenko, O., & Uribe Patiño, L. (2012). Study about the learning approaches in the students of Commerciality Liceo of Envigado. Psicoespacios, 6(8), 89–112.


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