From imaginary to reality. Analysis of the occupational field of legal psychologist at the Municipality of Neiva


  • Ivonne Maritza Vargas Hinestroza Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Neiva



Legal psychology, forensic psychology, psychology of corrections, victimology


In the present paper is to perform the analysis of different scenarios legal role of psychologists in the city of Neiva. This will leave the emergence of Legal Psychology at the international, national and regional levels, and identify actions being developed by professional psychologists assigned to the various government entities, private and ONGs. Entities that have to do with the care of victims, prosecution of offenders and personnel working in the field of justice and law, where evidence of the professional management of clinical psychology and not strictly of legal psychology.

Author Biography

Ivonne Maritza Vargas Hinestroza, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Neiva


Especialista en psicología jurídica

Candidata a Magister en Psicología jurídica

Decana facultad de Psicología, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Neiva

Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Vargas Hinestroza, I. M. (2012). From imaginary to reality. Analysis of the occupational field of legal psychologist at the Municipality of Neiva. Psicoespacios, 6(8), 215–229.


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