Authoritarianism and permissiveness, two ways to curtail the autonomy


  • Nelly Patricia Bautista Sociedad de psicoterapia sistémica JAIO Soluciones Sistémicas



Autonomy, permission, authority, authoritarianism, family, School, Discipline


This article pretends to provide an overview about the research on autonomy’s formation and its relationship to cognitive, moral, emotional and socio-emotional development at infant stage since 7 to 14 years. The searching was done through interactions with students, analyzing experiences that include deprivation or poverty, abuse but also supporting and care. Addressed the related research from epistemology of critical theory and applied the method Phenomenological finding that in-formation communication highlighted patterns of both authoritarianism and permissiveness that show two sides of the same restrictive situation on the ground autonomy, which prevents interference with the healthy process of formation of personality that is part of human rights. Low discipline and supporting reduced from authority figures, no encourages good development of skills which contradicts the fact that society increasingly demands proactive people and efficient.

Author Biography

Nelly Patricia Bautista, Sociedad de psicoterapia sistémica JAIO Soluciones Sistémicas


Psicóloga Social y Filósofa, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (unad)

Especialista en Teorías y Métodos de Investigación Social, Universidad Pedagógica

Coordinadora Administrativa en la sociedad de psicoterapia sistémica jaio Soluciones Sistémicas

Autora del libro Investigación Cualitativa, Epistemología, metodología y aplicaciones.

Correo electrónico:




Bautista, N. P. (2011). Proceso de la Investigación Cualitativa. Bogotá: Manual


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How to Cite

Bautista, N. P. (2012). Authoritarianism and permissiveness, two ways to curtail the autonomy. Psicoespacios, 6(8), 3–28.


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