Cognitive processes in infection brain damage




Evaluation, Cognitive Processes, Brain Infection, Cerebral Damage, Cognitive Impairment


Cognitive processes let thinking about intellectual human abilities, interacting body-mind, and/or environment- mind, to understand the world from reciprocal and constant perception, speech, making decisions, memory, and emotions.  But human fragility make us susceptible to suffer, both the normal aging impairment and caused by viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal agents that alter such processes. Objective: To know the characteristics of cognitive processes assessment when there is brain damage or deterioration by infection. Methodology: Descriptive review trough data bases like EBSCO, NATURE – International Weekly Journal of Science-, OXFORD academic, PsycARTICLES American Psychological Asociation, Science Direct (Journals), SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Redalyc.Org, y Scielo for information after to 2014. Results: Was found it that while different pathogens can alter de cellular estructure of the brain, and consequently their cognitive processes, this have a high sensibility to  inflammation caused by virus; but nevertheless, there is no much known about how much cognitive function could be impaired and its response to common and aparently innocuous viral infection. Conclusions: It becomes important to be able to discern the care of different cognitive functions, both from healthy style life or primary prevention and from computarized technology using that allows the optimization of neuropsychological assessment for cognitive functions.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Ortiz Valencia, Investigador independiente

Psicólogo UNAD, Esp. Adicciones Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Maestría en Neuropsicología, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia, Investigador independiente


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How to Cite

Ortiz Valencia, J. C. (2019). Cognitive processes in infection brain damage. Psicoespacios, 13(22), 121–139.


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