Social representations in a group of adolescents facing the first experience of alcohol consumption




adolescence, alcohol, attitudes, beliefs, social representations, sociocultural values


Objective: This document includes an analysis of the social representations of a group of adolescents from the city of Medellín, compared to the first experience of alcohol consumption.

Method: This study corresponds to a qualitative, phenomenological approach. It was used the techniques of focus group (15 adolescents) and deep individual interview.

Results: Were found that the first experience and alcohol consumption among adolescents to raise social concern. On the one hand, there are the characteristics of this life cycle (physiological changes, sexual characteristics, psychological processes, forms of identification, development of autonomy, rebellious attitudes, among others) that can facilitate a first experience. consumption of said substance; and, on the other, there are multiple social factors (influence of peers, rites of passage, media, fashion, family history, and others) that can affect this event.

Author Biographies


 Coordinadora de la Maestría en Neuropsicopedagogía y del Semillero Adicciones y salud Mental. Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Medellín - Colombia. Correo:




Docente del programa de psicología.


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How to Cite

Rincón Barreto, D. M., & Marin Rodriguez, J. S. (2020). Social representations in a group of adolescents facing the first experience of alcohol consumption. Psicoespacios, 14(24), 58–80.


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