Social perceptions about the phenomenon of Venezuelan migration in a sample of the inhabitants of the city of Sincelejo, Sucre, 2019


  • Olena Klimenko Institución Universitaria de Envigado
  • Stefanya Peláez Fundación Universitaria Claretiana
  • Laura Pacheco Fundación Universitaria Claretiana
  • Yuranys Ríos Paternina Fundación Universitaria Claretiana



venezuelan migration, social perceptions, xenophobia, acculturation, life habits


Introduction: The phenomenon of Venezuelan migration has had an impact in different spheres on the Colombian population, often producing attitudes of rejection and discrimination towards the migrant population by the native inhabitants.

Objective: to describe the social perceptions of the inhabitants of the city of Sincelejo regarding the phenomenon of Venezuelan migration during the year 2019.

Method: it was the non-experimental, descriptive level study, with the sample of 100 habitants of Sincelejo, the selection of the sample was carried out randomly through the survey carried out in the streets of the city. Was used a questionnaire designed ad hoc for the present study, validity by expert judgment and pilot test, obtaining a Cronbach alpha of .83.

Results: A high score was observed in the subscale of infidelity, which reveals a negative and guilty stance regarding the problems in the love relationships of the inhabitants surveyed, perceived from the presence of Venezuelan migrant women, being this more pronounced in the participants with the lowest educational levels and socioeconomic strata. High scores on the subscale of citizen security (higher perception of threat in the higher socioeconomic strata), public order (higher perception of threat in the lower strata) and employment opportunity (higher perception of threat in higher educational levels). high), indicate the inhabitants surveyed perceive migrants as a threat to their community in these aspects. Likewise, medium high scores were found in xenophobia, with the male gender obtaining higher scores compared to the female, as well as participants with a lower educational level. Medium high levels were also found in the rejection of the cultural habits of migrants and the tendency to dominate the foreign culture by force, which does not allow the peaceful integration of migrants to the receiving community.

Conclusions: The study revealed a very worrying situation regarding the highly negative attitude observed in the study participants towards Venezuelan migrants. It is recommended to continue in this line of research in other populations in order to search for approach strategies to reduce the negative impact of these social perceptions on the migrant population and enable a better and more inclusive integration of these in the receiving communities.

Author Biographies

Olena Klimenko, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Psicologa, Doctroa en Psicopedagogia, Institucion Universitaria de Envigado

Stefanya Peláez, Fundación Universitaria Claretiana

Psicóloga, Aspirante al título de Especialista en Gestión de procesos psicosociales en la Fundación Universitaria Claretiana

Laura Pacheco, Fundación Universitaria Claretiana

Psicóloga, Aspirante al título de Especialista en Gestión de procesos psicosociales en la Fundación Universitaria Claretiana

Yuranys Ríos Paternina, Fundación Universitaria Claretiana

Trabajadora Social, Aspirante al título de Especialista en Gestión de procesos psicosociales en la Fundación Universitaria Claretiana


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How to Cite

Klimenko, O., Peláez, S., Pacheco, L., & Ríos Paternina, Y. (2020). Social perceptions about the phenomenon of Venezuelan migration in a sample of the inhabitants of the city of Sincelejo, Sucre, 2019. Psicoespacios, 14(24), 81–96.


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