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Emotional and behavioral impact on health professionals that treated patients with suicidal behavior in Antioquia




Suicidal behavior, health professionals, emotional and behavioral impact


Objective: to identify the emotional and behavioral impact on health professionals that treated patients with suicidal behavior in Antioquia. Methodology: formative research, through a qualitative design, from an interpretative paradigm with a phenomenological approach, an information analysis is carried out using triangulation. The study population is contacted by virtual mediation, with a total of 14 interviewees, including first and second level health professionals, also psychology practitioners. Informed consent and the semi-structured interview are used to collect the information through the google forms platform. Results: regarding the emotional impact, the most frequent aspects mentioned by the professionals are sadness, worry, fear, feeling of frustration, satisfaction and helplessness, thus finding different emotions when approaching patients with suicidal behavior; also manifesting the presence of anxiety. Discussion: a contrast is found in relation to previous studies in other countries of the world where remission was named and therefore avoidance as the main solution in the approach to patients with suicidal behavior, unlike those interviewed, where remission is the last resource they use, due to the greater awareness, education and training on the subject. Conclusions: it is identified as the main finding that more and more health and psychosocial professionals refer to the importance of personal care to be able to process the emotional, cognitive and behavioral impact when addressing suicidal behavior. 


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How to Cite

Arias Hernández, A. V., Roldán Sánchez, L. A., Tobón Mira, Y. K., Arias Hernández, J., Gutiérrez Figueroa,  Daniela, & Posada Vásquez, M. I. (2021). Emotional and behavioral impact on health professionals that treated patients with suicidal behavior in Antioquia. Psicoespacios, 15(27).


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