The work-family conciliation in a group of entrepreneurial women leaders from the coffee region




work-family conciliation, entrepreneurship, working woman


The present research has the objective of analyzing the management that a group of women entrepreneurs from the Coffee Region give to the work-family conciliation. The method is descriptive and cross-sectional, and the research design corresponds to a case study based on in-depth interviews applied to seven women entrepreneurs from the coffee region. According to the research, women feel that the greatest implication of being pillars of the home and having an enterprise is to manage the times to fulfill the activities that both roles demand of them. It is stated that the decision to undertake was taken to care for their families and generate income for the home; however, the women found that the balance of these two spheres is exhausting, as the activities take a long time and even deprive them of space for themselves. It is concluded that there is a notable need to establish a balance between work and family, because the well-being of the environment in which they develop depends on this. In addition, the interviewees highlighted the importance of establishing strategies to develop activities other than those at home, which allow them to feel comfortable with themselves and transmit emotional stability to their family. It is evident that the development of household and entrepreneurial activities often causes a work overload that translates into working hours of up to 19 hours. 

Author Biographies

Maria Camila Cortés Arcila, Universidad EAFIT

Magister en Administración de la Universidad EAFIT. 

Johnny Javier Orejuela Gómez, Universidad EAFIT

Jefe del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad EAFIT.

Coordinador docente del Semillero de Investigación en Clínica del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones


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How to Cite

Cortés Arcila, M. C. ., & Orejuela Gómez, J. J. (2021). The work-family conciliation in a group of entrepreneurial women leaders from the coffee region. Psicoespacios, 15(27), 1–17.


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Universidad EAFIT, Semillero de Investigación Clínica del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones




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