Digital transformation in psychological attention: Current state of telepsychology in Colombia




narrative review, mental health telepsychology, telehealth, digital transformation


The constant interaction between advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the provision of health services leads us to reflect on their potential and limitations. Digital transformation of psychological care is understood as part of the digitisation of health services, and new trends in telehealth. The shift from face-to-face health care to virtual environments due to the isolation measures of Covid 19 has made psychology professionals reconsider the challenges of adopting new modes of care based on digital tools. This article is produced as a critical review of the literature on the current state of telepsychology, considering publications on the effectiveness of telepsychological care and the adoption of emerging technologies to complement, automate or rethink the processes of therapy and counselling. Telepsychology, emerging amidst renewed interest in the future of health care and telehealth, struggles with the paradox of expanding access to mental health services alongside the exclusion of large sectors without access to connectivity. It is concluded that more research is needed on this issue, as well as a discussion to inform policies that promote a reduction in the gaps in access to ICTs along with those that already exist in access to mental health.

Author Biographies

Fredy Alexander Romero Guzmán, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Doctor en psicología y Magíster en psicología, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla-Colombia.

Pisólogo, Universidad de Ibagué, Colombia


Correo electrónico:


Ernesto de Jesús Solano León, Universidad de Antioquia

Psicólogo. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia

Magíster en Psicología. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia


Correo electrónico:

Henry Eduardo Osorio Ospina, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

Magíster en Gestión de proyectos, Universidad de Viña del Mar, Argentina

Especialista en Gestion de TIC Empresarial y Administrador de negocios internacionales, Institución Universitaria de Envigado, Colombia


Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Romero Guzmán, F. A., Solano León, E. de J., & Osorio Ospina, H. E. (2023). Digital transformation in psychological attention: Current state of telepsychology in Colombia. Psicoespacios, 17(31), 1–20.


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