

  • Juan Felipe Arroyave Gómez Institución Universitaria de Envigado, Colombia



Myths, reason, guess, modern, postmodern, subjectivity


This article tries to establish a conceptual bridge across the vast and complex historical process of rational settling from which the West establishes the foundation of knowledge and cultural order. Driven from Freudian contributions regarding the two great mythical complex that largely support the theory of psychoanalysis, the father/totem and the son/edipo- it is tried to establish a perspective from which it is possible to give meaning to the choice myth-reason, to the extent that acknowledges the possibility of social subjects and/or collective that take multiple resolutions in both cosmogonies and ontogonies of a personal, subjective, poetic speech, which gives sanctity to the unspeakable truth of the subject, allowing for him another way back to that place where he has been evicted. Thus, all-embracing those deceptions of "instrumental reason" could be relocated tactically from some poetic approaches that have the hallmarks of those who assume rational thinking by the hand of an essential poetic feeling.

Author Biography

Juan Felipe Arroyave Gómez, Institución Universitaria de Envigado, Colombia

Licenciado en Historia y Filosofía de la Universidad de Antioquia

Magister en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Antioquia

Docente Programa de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Institución Universitaria de Envigado, Colombia

Correo electrónico:


Freud, S. (1976). Tótem y Tabú. Obras Completas. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, Vol.13.

Rodriguez, R. (1989). La sonrisa de Saturno. Barcelona: Anthropos.

Vattimo, Gianni, et all (1994). En torno a la posmodernidad. Barcelona: Anthropos.

Kolakowski, L. (1972). La presencia del mito. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. (1997). Mito y Razón. Barcelona: Paidós

Eliade, M. (1994). Mito y Realidad. Barcelona: Labor.

How to Cite

Arroyave Gómez, J. F. (2009). Conjecture. Psicoespacios, 3(3), 75–90.


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