Design a program promoting the skills and thinking skills to improve reading comprehension




Thinking, reading comprehension, abilities and skills, learning, meta-cognitive abilities


The research on the  Design of an Intervention Program in the field of the thinking abilities and skills for  identifying  and applying strategies to improve the reading comprehension of a group of  students from a public school in the city of Santa Marta, intended as a first instance, to identify the reading comprehension level of students at 10th grade through the design and implementation of an adequate and ongoing development program focused on reading comprehension that improve the reading comprehension level of the school community: teachers and students; the results of this program were positive and conveyed to the reorientation and implementation of alternative pedagogic strategies in order to strengthen the teaching-learning process. The methodological approach is a semi-experimental study with a non-probability sample, and the Reading Comprehension Test was use as a measuring tool to identify the reading comprehension level; the research was conducted through 4 stages. The results evidenced the effects reflected due to the implementation of the intervention program that was designed and applied to a sample selected from the 10th grade level students of the Laura Vicuña School; there were a variation in the results already mentioned, specially to the texts selection in which the pre-test revealed to the following rates: informative text with  25%, narrative text with a 27%, argumentative text with a 24%, and the iconic text with a 24%; in the other hand, the post-test revealed the following rates: informative text with a 25%; narrative text with a 28%; argumentative text with a 24%, and the iconic text with a 23%.Therefore, it is possible to determine that there was an evidence percent change between the narrative and iconic texts; for the narrative text, there was an increasing factor of 1% and for the iconic one, there was a decreasing factor of 1%

Author Biography

María Fernanda Cabas Manjarrés, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Sede Santa Marta

Psicóloga, Universidad Metropolitana, Colombia

Especialista en Docencia Universitaria, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Sede Santa Marta

Especialista en Orientación y Asesoría Educativa, Familiar y Comunitaria, Universidad de Pamplona, España

Magister en Educación con énfasis en cognición, Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla), Colombia

Doctoranda en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia

Docente de Tiempo Completo, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Sede Santa Marta


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How to Cite

Cabas Manjarrés, M. F. (2014). Design a program promoting the skills and thinking skills to improve reading comprehension. Psicoespacios, 8(12), 82–100.


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