Relationship between profile neurocognitive and depression and anxiety in patients




neurocognitive profile, anxiety, depression, sclerosis multiple with progressive primary subtypes and remitting


The article presents results of research to correlate the neuropsychological profile of 22 patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, of which 13 patients have primary progressive subtype and 9 patients with relapsing remitting subtype (Arana, M. 2011), with anxiety and depression . To 22 patients were administered the neuropsychological battery to determine the profile, and they apply the test of depression and anxiety Beck. Therefore, diagnostic variables (Multiple Sclerosis and Healthy Subjects) with psychological variables (anxiety and depression) were crossed for comparison and description thereof (N, mean, standard deviation) according to established groups (People with a diagnosis of MS: relapsing-remitting and primary progressive). This was done using SPSS 19.0 statistical software. Finding that, in terms of sociodemographic variables, correlations were observed between education and anxiety variable, this being moderate and inversely proportional correlation. The depression variable correlated with the variable years of education, while a weak relationship also has an inverse directionality. As for the variables taken for measurement of neurocognitive profile, is that the population has a normal distribution, the difference between, where there are statistically significant differences for anxiety, is used being greater this difference in group primary progressive MS; while depression does not indicate statistically significant differences, rejecting the hypothesis. Specifically is impaired neurocognitive profile in attentional function as evidenced that the variable Care Test Symbols and Oral Digits presents statistically significant differences regarding anxiety being greater this difference in the group of people with a high degree of anxiety. The Test and Digit Symbol Written variable has the same statistically significant differences mode. Furthermore alterations in the executive functions, as one of the variables which are statistically significant differences regarding anxiety assuming non-equal variances is variable PASAT P2 executive function, this difference was higher in the group of people with a high degree of anxiety, and the variable P3 PASAT executive function.

Author Biography

Antonio Jose Villa Londoño, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellin, Colombia

Psicólogo, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín, Colombia

Magister en Psicología de la Salud, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellin, Colombia

Doctor en Neurociencias, Universidad e Maimonides, Argentina

Docente de tiempo completo de la Universidad  de San Buenaventura, Medellin, Colombia


Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Villa Londoño, A. J. (2014). Relationship between profile neurocognitive and depression and anxiety in patients. Psicoespacios, 8(12), 219–257.


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