Information For Authors

Aims and scope 

Psicoespacios is a biannual open access electronic publication, whose main objective is the dissemination of scientific work in psychology and interdisciplinary dialogue with other social and human sciences. The journal serves as a channel for the expression of peer-reviewed research papers, publishing both theoretical and applied papers.   

Established in 2006 to support the training process of the Institución Universitaria de Envigado, the journal seeks to advance the scientific knowledge of psychology and its social impact, and position itself in the academic field to promote the evolution and growth of this profession.  

 Psicoespacios is aimed at teachers, researchers and students of psychology and other professions in the social and human sciences interested in this field of knowledge. Submissions are permanent based on a continuous publication system.  




Texts that provide research results for the first time and whose writing and publication follow specific standards, accepted by the international scientific community, which guarantee the effective communication of scientific information worldwide. Its structure includes introduction, methods, materials, results, conclusions, and references.   

Review or meta-analysis  

Documents that analyze, systematize, and integrate the results of published and unpublished research to report on progress and development trends. They are characterized by a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.  


Texts reporting research results from an analytical or critical perspective, on a specific topic, using original scientific sources.